an informal birding record
Yellow-legged Herring Gull

Larus argentatus argentatus

About as close to an 'omissus' as you can get these days, and certainly more L. a. argentatus than argenteus!

The fabled Yellow-legged 'omissus' Marsh Gulls of Scandinavia (particularly Finland) are no longer considered a pure nor recognisable population, given the infiltration of other gull forms into the same breeding areas.

The upperparts of this individual are somewhat pale for a true 'northern yellowleg' (which are often as dark a shade of grey above as southern 'michahellis' yellowlegs), but the overall build and wing pattern (see images below) are certainly indicative of a northern rather than southern or western Herring origin.

Compare with this yellow-legged Herring type photographed at the same site the previous month.

Above: Adult (Essex, 21 January 2012)




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