an informal birding record
UK & Ireland

Short-eared Owl

Above: Papercourt Water Meadows, Surrey (14 January 2011)

Above: Papercourt Water Meadows, Surrey (13 January 2011)

Above: Papercourt Water Meadows, Surrey (22 December 2011)

Composites of a couple of the five or six birds that have, at least for now, taken up residence on the local patch. Lots of late afternoon activity, though still extremely wary and difficult to photograph well. High ISO and lots of 'pushing' in Photoshop to get even these dull, grainy and unsaturated pictures in the overcast gloom of dusk.

Above: Papercourt Water Meadows, Surrey (04 December 2011)

Two of the five birds that have taken up residence on the local patch, and within sight of our house (had we got a really tall ladder to see over the trees)!

Above: Wicken Fen (more precisely, Burwell Fen from the Lodes Way bridge), Cambridgeshire (27 November 2011)

Just two or three of the dozen birds (plus Barn Owl) systematically clearing the fen of voles and mice, and part of the widespread major influx this autumn.




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